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B-17 Restoration Update: This is the damage at the number 4 engine nacelle! Very extensive! We will have to depanel that area and rebuild it totally.



More restoration updates on the number 4 engine nacelle on the B-17: This was the test fit to make sure it’s set correctly in line with all the rivets. It also needs to support the other internal structure. Here it is secured in place. After it is cured, our restoration team will pull the panel up tightly and rivet it in.



The restoration team finished the installation of the three windshields and they reinstalled the cockpit flight instrument panels this morning, on the HU-16.



These are pictures of the pilot’s side of the cockpit in the HU-16. Originally there was some vinyl glued to the structure where the pilots radio controls are located. We removed the old damaged vinyl a couple of years ago, and now that we have new vinyl, we glued in a new covering and re-installed the radio controls.

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B-17 Restoration Update: We have starting making the rib, behind the ball turret.

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HU-16 Restoration Update: This is the engine carburetor air induction system ducting, before and after restoration.




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