Dinner theatre is not my thing. I can’t say that I have ever wanted to go to one. I have been to the ballet. Hated it. Yes, I can recognize the artistic merit of live theatre, ballet, and poetry readings, but that is not where I would choose to be; especially not on a Friday night. So, when my best friend, whose birthday was coming up, called me on Monday and said, “let’s go to the theatre”, I was not thrilled. However, since she is an absolute angel of a person, and I was at a loss as to what to get her this year, I said sure.
When Friday arrived, I steeled myself for the agony that I knew was coming. I met her at the Museum, and went into Hangar 1 ready to be bored for the next two hours. When we were seated, I noticed that there were people in ugly sweaters everywhere. Some were ugly, some were just hysterically funny. If nothing else, I thought that I could at least get a good giggle out of what others were wearing.
As we waited for dinner to be served, the actors went to each table telling lies and spreading rumors. When they came to our table, they asked what department we worked in. So, unsure of what to say, we quickly said Research and Development, hoping that was an appropriate answer. As the actors continued to make their rounds, we quickly found that Wendy was the most hated person in the office, and that the janitor would make Jason Bourne’s skill set seem tame.
During dinner we chatted with our table mates about kids, date nights, dogs, and the joys of homework. Dinner was tasty, but the dessert was fantastic. I really wanted to snag the one that was sitting at the empty seat next to my friend, but thought better of it. While we ate, the cast continued to make their rounds, trying to get the audience as wrapped up in the act as they could. Then the real show started. The actors interacted with the audience as if they were truly employees of company. Pink slips were given, accusations made, and secret lovers revealed. I was enthralled. By the end of the first half hour, I was laughing out loud. By the end of the show, I was ready for the one coming in May. So, while I am still not big into theatre, I am definitely into this one.

Cast and directors of Ho Ho Homicide
By: Christin McFarland