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Meet the Volunteers: Linda and Ariel volunteer in Hangar One (the Vietnam Hangar) every Wednesday.


Ariel (left) and LInda (right) volunteering at Hangar One.

Where are you from?

Linda – I was born in Arkansas, my father and husband are both military, but I call Georgia home now.

Ariel – Southern Indiana.

How long have you been volunteering at the Museum of Aviation?

Linda – Close to four years.

Ariel – Close to a year, I started last September.

What made you decide to begin volunteering here at the Museum?

Linda – I’ve always been close to the military and my husband was a mechanic in the Air Force so I’ve always been interested. I also like people!

Ariel – I am an anthropology major and I hope to work in museums after I graduate. I wanted to gain experience and be more involved in the community.

What is your favorite part about volunteering?

Linda – The people! Meeting different and interesting folks.

Ariel – All the people I meet coming in, especially the Veterans. Also working with Mrs Linda…she’s a hoot!

Do you have a favorite plane here?

Linda – F-15 because my husband used to work on it. They’re very pretty airplanes.

Ariel – SR-71 [Blackbird]. Its so cool; its humongous!

What is an unusual or unexpected thing that has happened to you while volunteering?

Linda – A big black snake came out in front of the Vietnam Hangar while we were volunteering one day.

Ariel – When I first worked here I was interested in the veterans who come in and tell their stories, I didn’t expect them to share so many. I think its important to be the receiver of those stories.

What are some of your hobbies?

Linda – I like to read, I love music almost any kind.

Ariel – I am an avid reader, I read at least two books a week. I’m a major history buff.

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