The Museum of Aviation Foundation will host a Meet and Greet event with our new mascot, Barry the B-17!
- This event is FREE, family friendly, and open to the public.
- It will take place in the lobby of the Eagle Building at the Museum of Aviation, from 12pm- 3pm.
- You will be able to take pictures and record videos with Barry the B-17!
- We will hand out free airplane gliders for the kids!
- Barry will have to take a few breaks during this three hour period, so don’t walk away if you don’t see him. He could just be resting.
- Please be respectful of the Barry costume, and do not tug at or pull on his wings or propellers.
- Please keep food and drink at a distance from the Barry costume.
- If you would like to meet with Barry, there will be a line and you will have to wait your turn.