The production recreates a 1940’s NBC Bob Hope radio broadcast complete with an on-stage staff announcer reading vintage commercial copy of the period with a humorous touch, presenting recorded jingles of the era and interacting with Bob and his legendary radio star guests. Red Skelton, (includes an audience participation “sing-a-long” featuring Red’s western character, Deadeye).
Jack Benny and his famous violin and Jimmy Durante. The commercial breaks allow Lynn Roberts to change costume and assume each new persona. Bob Hope opens the show with a comedy monologue and a song. There is a Salute to Veterans segment which includes Hope singing “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” which is included as a special salute to our Vietnam vets. As part of the tribute to our troops of all wars he recites “WHAT IS A VETERAN” and closes the performance with his famous theme song, “Thanks for the Memories.”
- There will only be one afternoon performance
- The performance will take place in the Century of Flight Hangar
- This performance is family friendly!
- The show will start at 1:30 pm