The Museum of Aviation has seen thousands of students through the years during field trips, camps and workshops. Our Education Center serves an average of 50,000 students each year. We’d like to catch up with some of these students and hear their stories!
Were you one of those students?
What is your career now?
Did the Museum have an impact on your career choice?
If you were one of the many students who have participated in our Education Programs over the years, please email us and tell us your story. We would like to feature you on a special blog article for our website, social media and more!
Submit your story, and a photo if you’d like, to Valerie Myers in our Education Center at, between now and September 30, 2016.
A huge THANK YOU goes out from us here at the Museum to all of you for your support through the years. We look forward to catching up with you and hearing about your wonderful life!